Category: History

New Generation American Playwright Eugene O’Neill

The importance of O’Neill’s work was appreciated by his contemporaries, and it is no accident American theater historians link the emergence of modern theater in the United States with 1920 – the time of the first production of O’Neill’s multi-act play “Over the Horizon. The famous writer Sinclair Lewis commented on the importance…

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American theater

The peculiarity of the historical development of the United States at the stage of the post-war restructuring of the world determined the further development of American national culture and theater in particular. The first decades of the XX century were the time of formation of American drama, far behind in its development of…

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The First Experience of Show Business in the United States

Throughout the twentieth century, theater people in America checked their experience with Broadway. Off-Broadway (off, “without”) stages appeared, and then off-Broadway stages. The most daring experimentalists, who challenged the very nature of theater and, of course, Broadway, were willing to repeat this “off” more than twice. What are Broadway theaters? First of all,…

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